Paul Elam

Social politics men’s rights and personal views
Constructor - Musician - Objectivist - and much more for you to find out!
Hi, I am Juliy, and I live in Petaluma. I am working as a Personnel manager at the University of California. One day, I read the newspaper in my free time. I saw a topic called rohani taweez for love in the newspaper. It is a very interesting and enjoyable topic. Really I like this type of topic. I love to spend my spare time with my parents and friends.
I am very energetic,creative and love connecting with people.I have obtained a National Higher Diploma in Metalliferous Mining as well as a Mine Managers Certificate of Competence.I like to read Girlfriend vashikaran mantra and astrology book.
Hello, I am XT. This channel is about MGTOW Philosophy, living a Red Pill Life, Inspiration, Humor, Psychology, Science, Technology, and Traveling the World using my life experiences as a canvas. My intent is to inspire and affect positive change in our world's societies.  I pick apart aforementioned topics by applying broad strokes first and then drilling down into finer ones; my purpose is to be a part of the change I want to see in the world. I do this by blogging, creating videos that are meant to educate, inspire, and hopefully entertaining! 
I've recently been given a small window to pursue more creative venues. I'm going to push hard to write a book, relearn some songs on some instruments and return to making wood burnt art. If I can manage to get some passive income from my endeavors I can pursue the more fulfilling aspects of life (I will still be chopping wood and exercising outside but maybe more for personal land development and less to make money)
Apr 2017
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