Mike Oxlong

Proud Masculine-presenting transgender lesbian/Attack Helicopter. I use kek/Keke pronouns. I'm saving up for a helicopter, and hoping the space force doesn't put that plan out of business. Commies beware. I will trigger you...and I'll do it with your own horrible ideology.
Здесь можно постить все, что угодно, если это мем. You may post here everything you want exept things that are not memes!!
This group is dedicated to the promoting of small businesses and business owners on the Minds platform. Post about your business, what you do, what you sell and everything else you want us to know about it. If you have a website you may also post it here with a short description. #smallbusinesspromo #independentartist #selfemployed
This group now reports all the news about the Biden / Kamala puppet administration, Democrats election fraud and the entire Great Reset attempt to destroy the US.
Welcome new members! Hopefully the 2020 election will be overturned and our true President, Donald J. Trump, will be reinstated back into the White House. Everyone needs to get involved in the 2022 election on the precinct levels so we can oust as many dirty, lying Democrats and deep state RINOs from Congress as we can. This is a battle we need to win!
Mar 2017
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