Mike Oxlong

Proud Masculine-presenting transgender lesbian/Attack Helicopter. I use kek/Keke pronouns. I'm saving up for a helicopter, and hoping the space force doesn't put that plan out of business. Commies beware. I will trigger you...and I'll do it with your own horrible ideology.
Father, Family man, True American Nationalist, Traditionalist, Blue collar,  Working Class Skinhead, Dog lover, Prepper, EVERY MAN OR WOMAN SHOULD STRIVE TO BE THE BEST THEY CAN BE EVERY DAY, WITH NO REGRETS!  I want to be VERY clear, I do not consider myself a NAZI, new-nazi, facist, or even alt-right, (whatever that is). I absolutely HATE Antifa, and every other left wing socialist and communist group that is trying to destroy America. I am a Proud White American Nationalist Patriot. Family is the most important thing to me. I believe that Family values, and a strong work ethic and a conservative moral code is the foundation of having a successful life, people, and society. I reject those who blindly follow others, regurgitating the same lame rhetoric and propaganda that has gotten us nowhere and is holding our people back. Pride, Tradition, Family, Folk, Heritage and Honor, are the building blocks of a strong people, BUT YOU MUST PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH!!!! If you’re going to talk the talk, than walk the walk!!!!
its fun to see humans ignore me just by looking at my Avatar name, but the truth is i want to avoid such narrow minded psychos. Baboons pick each others ticks to keep a good rapo with each other, while humans kiss each others asses, thats how we got over and over again and again same type of shit useless social network websites. Fighting with the evil of Minds.com is a futile waste of time.So i had moved on to Diaspora social, so "come find me when you wake up" ;-) But new features of Minds seem good so i am BACK. *---------*---------*-----------*--------* i dont gamble so i dont use the FUCKING TOKENS Here , so go ahead vote me down as you wish, Minds is a Gambling website so sooth yourself ; i am not a gambler, i am just a thinker with pure original thoughts.
My significant other got annoyed with me talking politics. Facebook, Twitter & Google hate my conservative views. Time to anonymously unleash! Original Memes. Please remind my posts 🔁 Tokens appreciated 👍 -- Wall of Fame Supporters -- @Marketoff @WalrusMallone @Censorshipsucks @uncensored007 @mindsplus @delastman
Artist and freethinker
Best Selling Author. Lover of hedgehogs & Freedom.
❌A.T.❌ 🏢801🏢 Entrepreneur💲 Musician🎵 Bad-motherfucker💯
Mar 2017
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