Throughout life I have been told that the best way to protect the environment is through government and regulations, and being an environmentalist I happily accepted that. Trouble is in the last few years I started paying more attention to politics and as I continued my education in environmental science and wildlife management, I started to realize I agreed more and more with libertarians and anarchists. The question now is how do I balance the ideas of non aggression and volunteerism with the legal web surrounding environmental protection? What is the government's record of protecting the environment vs ruining it? Hopefully I can dig into those issues and get some dialogue started.
HistoryUncovered is dedicated to little known, mysterious, or interesting facts about history.
Don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel!
Defending the culture and traditions of the west with equal parts righteous indignation and love in my heart, trying to remain focused on the latter. Attempting to find and speak truth and clarity in a degenerate world. A poor conduit for a message greater than myself, doing my level best to do it justice.
I'd love nothing more than to devote myself to thinking and creating full-time, and eventually creating platforms to highlight other creators/thinkers.
Any help towards that end is genuinely appreciated.
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