I’m Carly.H, a freelance artist who works on various art pieces, webcomics, as well as content for small creators. I also look after an A.I. that likes to be dumb on the internet. #PNGTuber
Everything that is posted here is welcoming to everyone, unless you have a problem with it.
💙Follow my personal blog: https://artbycarlyh.wordpress.com/
🔞This account may contain some NSFW images.🔞
❗️This is a back up account in case one of my mainstream mediums decide to boot me off for stupid reasons.❗️
|💡 Veteran|
Ramblings and opinions of a man who wants to break the silence.
Awarded "Most Outspoken" by the Kitress of Scuff.
[NOTE: May involve lewd pictures of big bozonga'd furry women. I am not sorry.]