⚑ It is Time to End Our Fraudulant System of Law and Restore Justice in the United States to serve as an example for all.
Stay on topic - Law of the Land and its relationship to the other jurisdictions. - within Reason * Respect all - Moderated - Soil Jurisdiction Focused.
#Remind#Real#Law#legalese#Living#Lawful#Sharing Encouraged
Observers Welcome *** Same Issues 4U2
This is a learning and discussion group to explore and discover the true nature of our nations history with a focus on the rule of law that is supposed to support our natural rights to life, freedom, voluntary liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Our primary goal is to assist our local communities as well as those throughout the country renew genuine trust and faith in each other in order to achieve a strengthened foundation of truth and justice for us all in self governance and Lawfulness.
It is recommended you scroll to the first article and work your way up. Those articles and videos that are consi
- Tdered most important are notated, though all are good.
Do you REALLY know American History?
Taking Back America - EMERGENCY
- ALL Delegated Gov Services Contracts are Illegitimate.
Abdicating Personal Responsibility:
Real Freedom and the New World Order:
The Power of Words. The World of His Kingdom and the Words of the World Compared. How They Got YOU Tricked. ➝The TRUTH Shall Set You FREE: https://www.minds.com/blog/view/839162160775471104
Natural Law, Freedom And Morality:
⚑ Government Tricks. Natural Laww Natural Man, Natural Rights. The TRUTH Shall Set You FREE
Natural Law - Concept of AUTHORIT
Hey,you'll get all news about crypto that help you to take good decision for investment or trading. People just investing without knowledge and then they also their savings, buddy you need to learn it research it then you can make money. Don't worry I'll provide free knowledge here, let's revolutionize in crypto. #Altcoin is the major source of income in this. Lets grab 500x here. Have a great day 😀.
Minds Community Open Source Initiative (MCOSI), a community driven organisation, is a collaborative project between the community members of Minds.com and the staff members of Minds Inc. The MCOSI exists to support the community by providing assistance with the various aspects and facilities of the Minds open source social media platform.
In assisting the Minds.com platform, the MCOSI provides support for the creation of up-to-date documentation, support in tracking and resolving bugs, as well as the provision of services in which community members can offer feedback and further suggestions. The MCOSI also endeavours to aid in the provision of source code and supplementary documentation for the ongoing development of the Minds platform.
Minds Community Open Source Initiative is committed to working synergistically with Minds Inc. to encourage community participation and collaboration in the aim of supporting our revolutionary social media platform, Minds.com.
Minds Community Open Source Initiative - Objectives:
Support Minds Inc. in providing a social media platform that is dedicated to open source and free speech principles
Support in the creation of documentation relevant to the ongoing development and support of the Minds open source framework
Build upon providing transparent meetings that aims to discuss the provision and implementation of bug fixes, users support and further development ideas
Support the community by enhancing the overall experience of Minds.com
Please note that the MCOSI group is for Minds community members to provide, examine and discuss subjects regarding the services that are being provided by both Minds.com and the Minds Community Open Source Initiative.
Inappropriate posts and comments will be removed at the sole discretion of the MCOSI administrators.
Tools and strategies for health and cognitive performance enhancement.
Nootropics and Smart Drugs
Biohacking tech
Herbal medicine
Diet optimization
Mindfulness and meditation
Anti-Aging, Transhumanism, and Philosophy
Let us know what biohacks you're using...
[This group and the postings are MODERATED so let's keep the conversation respectful and posts unrelated to the above will be removed promptly]
If you're new to biohacking visit https://www.limitlessmindset.com or you can follow https://www.minds.com/jroseland
Advertisers: Only ONE promotional post a week. If you're going to share links to try to drive traffic elsewhere you MUST participate in the conversation here and comment on other people's stuff - not doing so will result in a ban.
This Community is for Patriot Independents, Republicans, Libertarians, and Democrats against the Demonic Socialist Globalist Establishment Parties (DS-GEP) and Global Socialist Tyrannical Corrupt Corporation (GS-TCC). This group is designed to provide Patriots (The Awaken) with a voice, we are the American antibody against anti-American foreign ideals. I will provide reports from other Patriots, but Feel free to post, this should be pro-American, pro-constitution posts. This is the New Real Media (NRM), exposing government and business corruption. (Freedom isn't Free, you must defend it, or there are the corrupt in society that would be happy to take it away) !!!
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Thanks for following, and let this group be a great source of news, that you will not hear from the lame-stream leftist media!
Share, and Then the eyes of the blind will be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped., and THE TRUTH SHALL SET THEM FREE!!
America is an open society that doesn’t believe in the depression of a class of people, race, or religion, and believes in the freedom to pursue life and liberty with the right to choose their own direction, but without infringing on other people’s rights or happiness! All Patriot Americans support our Constitution.