
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
Minds Official Gifs Group - All Welcome - 😀 GIF = GRAPHICS INTERCHANGE FORMAT. A group for sharing unique gifs; invite like minded users. Easily create gifs via links or just view creations and posts 💡💡💡💡💡 Video to Gif converter @ https://ezgif.com/video-to-gif Lunapic editor @ https://www298.lunapic.com/editor/ Resize animated gifs @ http://gifgifs.com/resizer/ Zoetropic app @ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.zoetropic.free&hl=en_GB&gl=US VIMAGE app @ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vimage.android&hl=en_GB&gl=US (APK downloads can be found if you do not wish to use google play store) PLEASE ensure your posts contain a TITLE and these TAGS below as this indexes your files on a database and increases visibility. #OfficialGifs #Minds #Gifs #Art (PLEASE post directly to the group otherwise exterior news feed page links will be deleted) Whenever possible please credit original artists if you share material that you have not created yourself. Easy access to editor apps and tools in the beginning of the conversations section. Please add any editor tools/apps you use. (This will give new members a starting point if they have no knowledge of gifs and wish to make their own). OFFICIAL GIFS ANIMATION DESIGNERS = @Darkinmyeyes @Rushofwaves @onesasha GROUP MODERATOR = @RedDragonLS HAVE FUN!!! JOIN MINDS OFFICIAL GIFS TODAY!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ Many thanks and best wishes from Official Gifs 🙂
Minds Community Open Source Initiative (MCOSI), a community driven organisation, is a collaborative project between the community members of Minds.com and the staff members of Minds Inc. The MCOSI exists to support the community by providing assistance with the various aspects and facilities of the Minds open source social media platform. In assisting the Minds.com platform, the MCOSI provides support for the creation of up-to-date documentation, support in tracking and resolving bugs, as well as the provision of services in which community members can offer feedback and further suggestions. The MCOSI also endeavours to aid in the provision of source code and supplementary documentation for the ongoing development of the Minds platform. Minds Community Open Source Initiative is committed to working synergistically with Minds Inc. to encourage community participation and collaboration in the aim of supporting our revolutionary social media platform, Minds.com. ____________________________________ Minds Community Open Source Initiative - Objectives: Support Minds Inc. in providing a social media platform that is dedicated to open source and free speech principles Support in the creation of documentation relevant to the ongoing development and support of the Minds open source framework Build upon providing transparent meetings that aims to discuss the provision and implementation of bug fixes, users support and further development ideas Support the community by enhancing the overall experience of Minds.com ____________________________________ Please note that the MCOSI group is for Minds community members to provide, examine and discuss subjects regarding the services that are being provided by both Minds.com and the Minds Community Open Source Initiative. Inappropriate posts and comments will be removed at the sole discretion of the MCOSI administrators.
This is the preeminent hub for memes on Minds. The group was formerly known as the Minds+ Illuminati Meme Engagement Community (MIMEC) which was an exclusive club for Minds+ users to appreciate and engage each other’s dank memes away from the prying eyes of the plebs (tongue in cheek). The Minds team however made it impossible to post plus posts in groups anymore so this group underwent a identity change. Welcome. Please share your best memes here. * No spam, only memes * The sidebar chat can be used as a live chat * You are further encouraged to comment on and engage with each other's posts as much as you like for daily mutual Minds token benefit Group created by @newshoundza Welcome! 🥃 #MindsPlus #Dankmemes #Memes #Meme #Dankmeme
This group caters for memes, quotes and resources celebrating monetary justice in the spirit of the Austrian School of Economics. * No spam * The sidebar chat can be used as a live chat * You are further encouraged to comment on each other's posts as much as you like for daily mutual Minds token benefit Group created by @newshoundza Welcome! 🥃 #federalreserve #centralbank #monetarypolicy #monetaryjustice #monetaryjusticewarriors #Hayek #Mises #Rothbard #Hazlitt
This is the preeminent Pro-Crypto group on Minds which caters for the celebration of all things crypto including but not limited to related news, memes and further eye candy. * Admin is a Toxic Maximalist Bitcoiner. Deal with it. * No spam * The sidebar chat can be used as a live chat * You are further encouraged to comment on each other's posts as much as you like for daily mutual Minds token benefit Group created by @newshoundza Welcome! 🥃 #bitcoin #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptomemes #cryptoporn
#Cinema #Movies #News #Music #KPOP #Food #Travel #Religion #Prophecy #CosmicAwareness #Politics #Science #Economics #Health #Instagram #Satire KPOP https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/830179781144104960 News Flash https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/830090402438541312 Music Lives https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/825073017177686016 Live Entertainment https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/831994510592856064 Music Lives 20's & 21'sCentrury https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/828989039806189568 Music Lives 90's https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/828994730948235264 Music Lives 80's https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/828999641266065408 Music Lives 70's https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/829000176676732928 Music Lives 60's & 50's https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/829001168101146624 KPOP English https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/826067864044412928 KPOP BuZZ https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/827072129610182656 KPOP Drama https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/826073440583245824 Asian Cinema https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/826090782265085952 Food & Travel http://www.minds.com/groups/profile/824903341266169856 Food & Drink https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/824829896411049984 Awakening https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/828712847475232768 Home Repair & Tools https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/825791414788575232 Live News Feeds From Around the World https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/825131152778194944 Minds Newsfeed https://www.minds.com/newsfeed;ts=1522099913520 New York City https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/466742372458307584 Bitcoin https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/459831555271954433 Crypto-Currencies https://www.minds.com/groups/profile Astronomy/Cosmos https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/661243576511897613 JOIN MINDS AND EA
Здесь можно постить все, что угодно, если это мем. You may post here everything you want exept things that are not memes!!
Thanks for Viewing! If you're a fractal creator, please join us and post your fractals here. Join us if you just love to see this art! Post fractal art created using any software that you choose. Make sure to say which Fractal editor you used for your post. Thanks! Group Mods: @Fractalizer, @darkinmyeyes, @RedDragonLS ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ POSTING ANYTHING OTHER THAN FRACTAL ART WILL BE DELETED! . ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Please Credit the Original Fractal Artist if you are posting other's art. Please use # tags as this indexes your files on a database and increases visibility. Tags to use here: #Fractal #FractalArt #Original plus the app or software ie.: #JWildfire #Mandelbulb3D #Apophysis #Mandelbulber #FractalExplorer #Frax #Frex #MandelBrowser or any other. If posting Fractal Art by others, please use #FractalDesigners tag. HAVE FUN !!! Please Check Out Our Friends Groups DeepDream Art Group https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1018311401221378048/feed The Official GIFs Group Mods: @RedDragonLS https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/844220536770330624 The Official Creations Group https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1027228886395387904/feed The Minds Images Group Mods: @FretzCapo https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/622600737196613632 The Colouring The World Group Mods: @Fractalizer https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/875507690911694848
The place to share beautiful paintings.
„Betrogner Tor! Verlorner! In der Jungfrau Hand Bist du gefallen, die verderbliche, woraus Nicht Rettung noch Erlösung mehr zu hoffen ist. Wenn dich das Unglück in des Krokodils Gewalt Gegeben oder des gefleckten Tigers Klaun, Wenn du der Löwenmutter junge Brut geraubt, Du könntest Mitleid finden und Barmherzigkeit, Doch tödlich ists, der Jungfrau zu begegnen. Denn dem Geisterreich, dem strengen, unverletzlichen, Verpflichtet mich der furchtbar bindende Vertrag, Mit dem Schwert zu töten alles Lebende, das mir Der Schlachten Gott verhängnisvoll entgegenschickt.“ (Friedrich Schiller, Die Jungfrau von Orleans) „Am meisten aber reizte sie auf und trieb zum Kriege gegen die Römer Boudica, eine Britannierin, die man der Herrschaft gewürdigt und mit der Führung des Heeres beauftragt hatte. Sie stammte aus königlichem Geschlecht und war höheren Sinnes, als mit von einem Weibe erwarten konnte. Diese sammelte ein Herr von 120,000 Mann und bestieg sodann eine Bühne, die nach der Art der Römer aus Sumpfrasen aufgetürmt war. Sie war von sehr hohem Wuchs, schrecklichem Ansehen und durchdringendem Blicke. Ihre Stimme war rau, ihr blondes Haar in solcher Fülle, daß es ihr bis über die Hüften hinab fiel. Um den Hals trug sie eine große goldene Kette, und über den Leib ein vielfarbiges, weites Unterkleid, über das sie einen dichten Kriegsmantel mit einer Agraffe befestigt hatte. So war sie immer angetan; jetzt aber schwang sie noch eine Lanze in der Hand, wodurch sie Alles in Schrecken setzte, und ließ sich folgender Maßen vernehmen.“ (Cassius Dio) „Wer ziert heute den Saal der Ehren? Der Anstand der jungen Ritter ist dürftig, und entsprechend treiben die Knappen es ganz wüst mit Worten wie mit Werken. Wer Benehmen hat, ist für sie ein Narr. Seht doch, wie unaufhaltsam die Rohheit vordringt. Früher gab man den Jungen ein paar hinter die Ohren, die da freche Reden führten: heute ist es ihr ganzer Stolz! Sie geben laut an und erniedrigen die Reinheit der Frauen. Durchprügeln und kahlscheren
All things comic books from covers to fan art and some comic book/Comic-Con news. Four Rules: 1. Anime/Manga are not allowed in this group and will be deleted 2. Mark all NSFW posts properly (we don't ask or know the ages of members) 3. All non-comic book posts here will be considered spam and the member will be removed from the group with post deleted 4. There are no LIMITs to daily posting here so long as it's within the above guidelines If you don't like folks who post more than 50 posts in a short period this group might not be for you. Also, please vote and remind so it will be paid back to you later. #comics #comicbookartist #comicbookcollecting #comicbooknerd #comics_books #comic_book_covers #comic_book_labels #comic_collector #comic_book_art #comicartist #indiecomics #horrorcomics #fan_art #key_issue #comiccon #superheroes #nerd #artwork #digitalart #draw #cosplay
Mar 2018
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