
A spiritual detective, in love with dreams & astraltravels, traditional plant medicine, gardening and dream analysis, exploring all the layers of consciousness. I am passionate about stretching my capacity to integrate a new way of life, on all levels of existence... I am looking forward to making new friends too :) Focus on the light, hold the vision, stay neutral, be in service, be loving, be kind, hold space, have faith, trust, practice compassion, be a living example, the vision is love!
Dedicated to Addiction Recovery Support (NA -Twelve Steps) To thine own self be true - William Shakespeare ............................................... IN SEARCH OF TRUTH (MINDFULNESS MEDITATION) Brian Cox Sam Harris Sean Carroll Lawrence Krauss Terence McKenna Adyashanti Thich Nhat Hahn Fans most welcome! ............................................... WE ARE ONE - PURE INTENTION WILL SET US FREE #LIVINGCLEAN #MINDFULNESS #MEDITATION #HEALTH #SPIRITUALITY ................................................. INNER LIGHT - Awakening ~ Self Empowerment https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1195450801911361536/feed SINGING SOUL - Spitual Reflections https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1227140982712737792 JUST4TDAY - Anger management https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1206591136550469632 GRATITUDE + APPRECIATION - @kdjh - @lookowt
We are witnessing an exponential assault on our freedom and sovereignty. Their Beast Matrix is upon us. It is sophisticated, multifaceted and its design and function are far reaching. The combination of virtual media, augmentation and transhumanism are being deployed in an effort to manipulate the very essence of life. With great investment in science and technology invisible calculating technocrats wish to breach the veil, the quantum field - to control the God particle and reality as we know it... The 5th Generation https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/791311885527605248/feed #NASA #CERN #QUANTUM #TRANSHUMANISM #5G #WIFI #NWO #TECHNOCRACY
AWAKENING - SELF EMPOWERMENT ................................................................ ~ COURAGE IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY ~ Ultimately, internal suffering is a daily practice imposed on one's self. While the residues affect those around us, the delusion is that there is no other way to fix our self - other than escape. In contrast, suffering the physical pains of liberation is a small price to pay to settle one's mind. Creating the conditions ourselves, purification enables the self to pass through the gateway. It seems to be no easy feat but simultaneously is an illusion that is easily broken - its success relies wholly on commitment, a skill we intimately know or have. Surrender, most importantly intention, are the gems of our wealth. Worthy demands when pursued, they hold the keys to the greatest reward - of finding our true nature and happiness by means of self actualization. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR ALL LIFE ............................................... GROUP NETWORK LIVING CLEAN GROUP -Addiction Recovery Support https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1165910758624018432/feed JUST4TDAY - Anger Management https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1206591136550469632/feed SINGING SOUL - Spritual Reflections https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1227140982712737792/feed ............................................... EXTERNAL LINKS MODERN KADAMPA BUDDHISM - Authentic Spiritual Development https://kadampa.org/
Jan 2021
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