
A spiritual detective, in love with dreams & astraltravels, traditional plant medicine, gardening and dream analysis, exploring all the layers of consciousness. I am passionate about stretching my capacity to integrate a new way of life, on all levels of existence... I am looking forward to making new friends too :) Focus on the light, hold the vision, stay neutral, be in service, be loving, be kind, hold space, have faith, trust, practice compassion, be a living example, the vision is love!
I used to work for the government. Now I work for the public. Director at @FreedomofPress freedom.press
Pi Network is a cryptocurrency, started by Stanford Phd's. You can download an app on your phone (iOS or Android), and it takes negligible battery power to run and mine. minepi.com (Invitation Code: pinetworkcoin)
A celebration of my country Costa Rica.
I am a Christian Comic book creator. Gun Ghoul is the first of my projects to be published by Dark Legion comics. I also have other titles coming out through Dark Legion comics. If you like good comics with no PC crap in it then these are the books for you. I also have a webtoon out. Please support me through my Patreon account, buying my product on Amazon, reading my webtoon, and spreading the word. God bless. #MAGA #Movetheneedle #Comicbooks #Anime #horror #darklegion #VoxDay
As Above, So Below. The cosmos are telling us a story, showing us our destiny.
Visual Art Researcher
Jan 2021
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