
Here to bite. Downvotes most welcome ..l.. Check out these fucksters @RachelNunya29 @tomtomandt @entryreqrd @ladyhug
Car lover Harley lover king of unforgiving underworld created oh and I'm a kiwi living in new Zealand Check out my page hit that subscribe button an like share an love my post an page Cheers to everyone that has subscribed and given me tokens I will give tokens if I'm given them to PEACE
Adventurous lifestyle
This channel is dedicated to the truth of National Socialism, also to the preservation of the white race and its culture. I am of pure Aryan descent, I love the Fatherland and its people's. I will die before I allow my heritage to be destroyed by the communist agenda of globalization. My goal is to fight for what's left of American National Socialism. We as brothers in NS will prevail in the end never despair, (((THEY))) will never prevail over that which is good, of pure heart, nor the truth of what they've done in the last hundred plus years. STAY STRONG BROTHERS AND SISTERS. 1488 GOTT MIT UNS
Minds went full Fakebook. BEWARE! There will be consequences to giving out your or your friend's phone number (ID). Don't be fooled by fake guarantees of 'nobody's collecting anything', someone is. That's what all the corporate social media sites said as well at the beginning. You are signing your own warrant. F.CK FANTASY PEANUT TOKENS Wake up, you are never going to make any meaningful income posting on social media unless you become just another spammer. It's just to keep you busy and all of your most successful efforts will be stolen and reposted using bots. There are other ways to have 2FA than simply to give away your ID. If Minds supports free speech then why am i shadow banned? Member since 2015, contributed many things, trust me i know what they're doing.
Hello and welcome, my name is Mike. Galway is the 2020 European Capital of Culture. To celebrate Galway City's natural beauty, amazing ancient stone bridges and buildings, rich culture and colourful history, I have taken over 200 photographs and present them here. Pub Art.. I have delved into the wonderful nooks and crannies of Galway City's pubs and photographed the artworks and photos on the walls, My apologies for the poor lighting quality on some of the photos which is due to overhead lights reflecting off the glass frames.. I have taken photos at The Galway City Museum of historical artworks and photographs showing life at The Spanish Arch, The Claddagh fishing village and Eyre Square and I am very grateful to the museum for allowing me to display them here. I hope you are able to browse through the collection and enjoy the unique charm and festive atmosphere of this lovely city. Faces. A mix of faces from days gone by and my modern, abstract creations. The vintage faces are not my own. Over the years I have kept a scrapbook of drawings/sketches inspired mainly by "The Old Masters" from library art books. I have tried, without success, to identify the original artists. Perhaps an astute mind will be able to. I have identified three women from "Les Demoiselles D'Avignon" 1907 by Pablo Picasso (110 artworks.) Celtic Jazz. These are not my own original designs, but adapted from and "jazzed up" versions of ancient Celtic designs. (50 artworks.) The Azekundow Collection. This is a collection of about 450 of my artworks, divided into four categories. Stoned Stones (20) These are Picasa 3 enhanced photos of the early spring flora and the amazing ancient stonework that is everywhere, in and around Galway City. Home Style (172) This is a miscellaneous mix of various styles. Dot Style (140) I have combined pointillist and impressionist techniques to create what I like to think is my own unique style. Celtic Style.(122) These are not my own original designs, but adapted from ancient Celtic designs. All my paintings are done with acrylic paint and brush on paper and "enhanced" with Picasa 3. If you have some free time, scroll down and browse through the collection. I welcome any feedback, so leave a comment/critique in the dialogue box. I hope you enjoy my art. Mike. @azekundow
Apr 2019
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