
i m fatuo ";:·3"
Elements Of Truth
Art discovery/reviews & occasional news (videogames/films/comics/books etc.) All artists are credited. In a potential case of copyright infringement - write us here from your official account, we are going to either remove or alter the post (crediting/adding more info etc.) Currently inactive twitter account https://twitter.com/TheSteampunkSCT | Our header/logo is copyrighted.
Sean bienvenidos al santuario rojo, es hora de divertirnos, aquí eres tu mismo.
Welcome to my dirty channel 18+ only! Have fun 💋 🍆
Terrific tools from around the world
Trying to be philosophically consistent and self aware, liberty minded individual making snarky and/or insightful comments (hopefully). On occasion I will try to one up conspiracy theory types for shits, giggles and the unlikely chance they may gain some insight into how batshit crazy they really are. I also take photos of stuff. I intend my posts here show my evolution and improvement as a photographer and (hopefully) a trend slowly moving towards technical mastery and artistic expression. If I have one piece of advice it's "stop humoring racists/identiterians". They are objectively bad people, and you should stop assuming they're just ignorant or mistaken. They're adults, treat them like it.
time specific mystic, arrival 1962, mighty messenger, activated artist, poised poet, ascending master, light warrior cursed with second sight.. this channel floats in the deep-end of numerous topics celestial & terrestrial; Urantia papers, wisdom, 4th/5th density; a fount for twisted current-events-raunchy-political memes... ya-know-what? on this battlefield of divine vs evil, i've been doing my part to save souls & remind people of the Spirit of Truth... meanwhile current assignment has me enshrouded in habiliments of a humble janitor. proton love, electron love, nucleus sex, ultimatonic. ascension xybatixe.com // IP address snafu sorted//
Founder of @NewDiscourses. Pro-America. Anti-Communist. Based af.
Award Winning Journalist and Technologist Making Documentaries, VR, Drones, Immersion Storytelling, and Live Video | [email protected]
May 2021
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