LGBT Ideology

I previously subsumed LGBT under Cultural Marxism, but like Transgenderism, it really needs its own group; this group will include everything related specifically to the promotion of the Marxist propaganda about LGBT, but excluding the T part - Transgenderism actually undermines homosexual rights (gay/lesbian), as it totally denies everything homosexuality is about... I expanded the LGBTTQQIAAP+ collection of letters by adding the essential one: N for NORMAL, i.e. heterosexual. Without heterosexual couples, there is no humanity. It's amazing how non-inclusive the LGBT+ community really is, as they exclude the majority of humanity right from the start. The problem is the Marxist LGBT agenda, not homosexuality - the term I use consistently for both, male homosexuals and lesbians as well as any variation of sexual preferences, but obviously not transgenderism, which is completely unrelated, or pedophilia, which is not a preference but a severe mental illness.
Type: All

So Apple had to add "pronouns" to the address page on iOS 😡 I just reported that field as a BUG and requested that they remove it by default! There is suddenly a "pronoun" field on my iPhone that I never asked for! This is a bug. If...See more


LGBT organizations side with Hamas and support the Democrats who flood the US with illegal migrants from 3rd world countries. What's truly bizarre is the fact that the people they support think that homosexuality is a perversion, if not an outright "sin" that should be...See more


Taylor Swift is apparently no fan the LGBT community - she had that one "homophobic" song that she had to change. The $10 donation for a cure, that's hilarious 🤣 If that was authentic, the usual haters would definitely try to cancel her...


Lauren Southern was banned from the UK for life for distributing flyers that said "Allah is gay" 🤔 You can only say that if you are a member of the Marxist-Islam Great Reset alliance! And only until that alliance gains power. Both principal partners of the alliance - China's CCP and the OIC (Organization of Islamic Countries) prosecute homosexuals and prohibit all LGBT activities.


The statistics don't look so good...


Jordan Peterson's statement about celebrating the LGBT "Pride" is perfect - short and to the point!


I posted an interview with this pedo asshole here before: He actually praised a pro-pedo book 😡 He's the reason gay people created the "gays against groomers" organization. Without paywall:


This is like a movie scene 🤣🤣🤣 You can totally visualize it in your mind...

I previously subsumed LGBT under Cultural Marxism, but like Transgenderism, it really needs its own group; this group will include everything related specifically to the promotion of the Marxist propaganda about LGBT, but excluding the T part - Transgenderism actually undermines homosexual rights (gay/lesbian), as it totally denies everything homosexuality is about... I expanded the LGBTTQQIAAP+ collection of letters by adding the essential one: N for NORMAL, i.e. heterosexual. Without heterosexual couples, there is no humanity. It's amazing how non-inclusive the LGBT+ community really is, as they exclude the majority of humanity right from the start. The problem is the Marxist LGBT agenda, not homosexuality - the term I use consistently for both, male homosexuals and lesbians as well as any variation of sexual preferences, but obviously not transgenderism, which is completely unrelated, or pedophilia, which is not a preference but a severe mental illness.