LGBT Ideology

I previously subsumed LGBT under Cultural Marxism, but like Transgenderism, it really needs its own group; this group will include everything related specifically to the promotion of the Marxist propaganda about LGBT, but excluding the T part - Transgenderism actually undermines homosexual rights (gay/lesbian), as it totally denies everything homosexuality is about... I expanded the LGBTTQQIAAP+ collection of letters by adding the essential one: N for NORMAL, i.e. heterosexual. Without heterosexual couples, there is no humanity. It's amazing how non-inclusive the LGBT+ community really is, as they exclude the majority of humanity right from the start. The problem is the Marxist LGBT agenda, not homosexuality - the term I use consistently for both, male homosexuals and lesbians as well as any variation of sexual preferences, but obviously not transgenderism, which is completely unrelated, or pedophilia, which is not a preference but a severe mental illness.
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