At some point Intelligence wins

Point of contact to connect with more and more of intelligence, the more points of contact we have the faster and the better we are prepared for intelligence to win, but it takes time... so let's walk. #knowthyself #energy #selfsufficiency #freedom #truth #intelligence
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Long time to get it and work with it but in the end I think it's one of the surest ways to live positively and of self improvement, by the time you start to pay attention in the outer cycles, you will notice that you have your own cycles, so train with them, so you will work better, just like that. Go for it, it's our journey. I just like how having just one big idea with you can work so deeply and well for you as long as you give it attention, because attention equals energy, so manage that well and enjoy!

  • verified_user

If everyone unleashed their genius there would be noone imposing anything, not news, not pharma, not truths, not bulshit. Hey Peace, the moment you realize how reality kinda works, you see the clowns jump and down and you say, dude get out of here, I can see through your act. Don't bother.

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Choose your own way! If you can, if don't, LEARN to choose, IT'S THE CRUX! 💫💥🌠🌌🔥

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Forever people have called you out, out of yourself, hey look at me, hey look at this, hey look away... you got to the habit of looking away from you. But looking, attention is power, it is energy, if you keep looking away from you, you will never get the energy that's yours, it's meant for you but you give it all away to distractions to anything... That's why meditation is so spoken of, in that moment you stop and give attention to you.. You give energy to yourself. The shift is small, but it is HUGE!

  • verified_user

Laughter is your great weapon, use it for everything, if you can practice being happy and laugh then with time you become that and reality will bring you even more oportunities to be happy and laugh, TRY IT! Don't trust any words you see, but try what you think may be right!

Point of contact to connect with more and more of intelligence, the more points of contact we have the faster and the better we are prepared for intelligence to win, but it takes time... so let's walk. #knowthyself #energy #selfsufficiency #freedom #truth #intelligence