If getting off the grid, learning self-sufficiency, and rediscovering traditional skills and methods appeal to you, you've found your tribe. Our community welcomes everyone interested in homesteading, gardening, self-sufficiency, off-gridding, and living a life independent from intrusion. Experienced old coot or new and just beginning your journey to freedom and independence, you are welcome here. Respectful behavior is welcomed. This is a family-oriented space. Please keep your language and posts appropriate for all audiences. Oh, and please don't eat the Mods.
The Legend of the Pussy Willows
A poem by Dot McGinnis
A Polish legend tells the tale,
of tiny kittens, oh so frail.
Along the river’s edge they chased.
With butterflies, they played and raced.
They came too close to the river’s side,
and thus, fell in. Their mother...See more
Cold March morning up here in the Sierra. A real bone-chiller, the kind that settles in raw and deep and makes your bones creak just getting out of bed. Outside, the wind is howling across the ridge, roaring through the pines like it’s on a mission to rip them loose. Hard, beady...See more
If getting off the grid, learning self-sufficiency, and rediscovering traditional skills and methods appeal to you, you've found your tribe. Our community welcomes everyone interested in homesteading, gardening, self-sufficiency, off-gridding, and living a life independent from intrusion. Experienced old coot or new and just beginning your journey to freedom and independence, you are welcome here. Respectful behavior is welcomed. This is a family-oriented space. Please keep your language and posts appropriate for all audiences. Oh, and please don't eat the Mods.
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