Homestead Circle

If getting off the grid, learning self-sufficiency, and rediscovering traditional skills and methods appeal to you, you've found your tribe. Our community welcomes everyone interested in homesteading, gardening, self-sufficiency, off-gridding, and living a life independent from intrusion. Experienced old coot or new and just beginning your journey to freedom and independence, you are welcome here. Respectful behavior is welcomed. This is a family-oriented space. Please keep your language and posts appropriate for all audiences. Oh, and please don't eat the Mods.
Type: All

Well, plant id still says these are cantalopes. Ijdk but they are evrywhere!


Sam is still waiting for surgery to be scheduled...MrsHoney starts therapy again Monday, improving!!! ♥️🙏


Today while collecting acorns i found littl round squashes on what i thought would be cantalope. One was bright yellow and a bit smallr than a golfball th othrs are about th size of a lemon, green stripes. Ive only ever seen these growing in th dunes. Exciting stuff!!! Lol


Shoutout to Sourdough Sam...hope you're feeling better ! Same to Mrs Honey...miss you!


Time to Stand

If getting off the grid, learning self-sufficiency, and rediscovering traditional skills and methods appeal to you, you've found your tribe. Our community welcomes everyone interested in homesteading, gardening, self-sufficiency, off-gridding, and living a life independent from intrusion. Experienced old coot or new and just beginning your journey to freedom and independence, you are welcome here. Respectful behavior is welcomed. This is a family-oriented space. Please keep your language and posts appropriate for all audiences. Oh, and please don't eat the Mods.