Homestead Circle

If getting off the grid, learning self-sufficiency, and rediscovering traditional skills and methods appeal to you, you've found your tribe. Our community welcomes everyone interested in homesteading, gardening, self-sufficiency, off-gridding, and living a life independent from intrusion. Experienced old coot or new and just beginning your journey to freedom and independence, you are welcome here. Respectful behavior is welcomed. This is a family-oriented space. Please keep your language and posts appropriate for all audiences. Oh, and please don't eat the Mods.
Type: All

Got my field peas trimmd up, only two gave up th fight. I was gonna pull all of them but theyre lookin good and flowering. So im gonna let 'm do their thang. Finally got th cabbag and celery in th ground. Does anuone have tips on stratifing coffee beans and tea seeds? Im not having any luck.


Well, plant id still says these are cantalopes. Ijdk but they are evrywhere!


Today while collecting acorns i found littl round squashes on what i thought would be cantalope. One was bright yellow and a bit smallr than a golfball th othrs are about th size of a lemon, green stripes. Ive only ever seen these growing in th dunes. Exciting stuff!!! Lol


Sam is still waiting for surgery to be scheduled...MrsHoney starts therapy again Monday, improving!!! ♥️🙏


Shoutout to Sourdough Sam...hope you're feeling better ! Same to Mrs Honey...miss you!


Time to Stand

If getting off the grid, learning self-sufficiency, and rediscovering traditional skills and methods appeal to you, you've found your tribe. Our community welcomes everyone interested in homesteading, gardening, self-sufficiency, off-gridding, and living a life independent from intrusion. Experienced old coot or new and just beginning your journey to freedom and independence, you are welcome here. Respectful behavior is welcomed. This is a family-oriented space. Please keep your language and posts appropriate for all audiences. Oh, and please don't eat the Mods.