Entheogenic Portal

An information board about plant based psychedelics and experiences. ~ Scroll Down for more Information ~
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A real ancient witches brew from the Australian Aboriginal that gave them the energy to traverse the great desert and spiritual insight along the way... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pituri


Articulations: On the Utilisation and Meanings of Psychedelics

[PDF] http://tiny.cc/kxmpwz Drawing upon 15 years of profound research, Articulations is an illuminating inquiry into the many different plants and compounds available in the modern day, conducive 'mindsets' and understandings regarding how psychedelics can be most constructively utilised. Articulations presents an uncompromising and clear analysis of the psychedelic state, intricately exploring the origins of the visions, the nature of the beings, and how authentic healing can most effectively proceed through the conscious use of psychedelics.


Careful with these ones kids.


DMT: The Spirit Molecule is a 2010 documentary film based on a book of the same name by Dr. Rick Strassman. Directed by Mitch Schultz and starring Joe Rogan as narrator, the documentary primarily deals with the psychedelic and entheogenic drug N,N-dimethyltryptamine through the lens of interviews with those who have used the drug, either as part of Strassman's scientific studies, or in combination with MAOIs


Garden of Eden

by Snu Voogelbreinder GOE is the bible of entheogens - it explores the vast world of psychoactive plants, animals and other organisms, and their uses in shamanism, spiritual exploration and healing. Encompassing scientific research, personal experience, ancient knowledge and...See more


5-Meo-DMT - Traditionally used in snuffs from the plant Anadenanthera peregrina, used for insight and wisdom from higher dimensions. More recently it has been discovered that some ancient cultures could have perhaps used the venom from the Bufo toad. here is a good section on it. Update in comments.


New paper out today describes a 1,000 year old ritual bundle found in a funerary chamber in the mountains of southwest Bolivia, which held a smaller bag with remains of Cocaine, DMT, Harmine, Bufotenine, and possibly Psilocin. This is arguably the most psychoactive chemicals...See more

An information board about plant based psychedelics and experiences. ~ Scroll Down for more Information ~