
TRUTH fears no investigation!!! "The ONLY Good is Knowledge; the ONLY evil is IGNORANCE!" ~ Socrates 'There is NOTHING that the International Jew fears so much as the TRUTH, or ANY HINT of the Truth about himself or his plans.' ~ Henry Ford The most outrageous 6,000,000 lie perpetrated on Humanity!!! Человечеству навязали самую вопьющую ложь о (((6,000,000)))!!! Auschwitz??? NOT one spec of jewish DNA was found in mass grave there. Освенцим??? В братской могиле не было найдено ни одного фрагмента еврейской ДНК. Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling… makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred. Auschwitz??? NOT one spec of jewish DNA was found in a grave there. The Haavara TRANSFER Agreement of 1933 BETWEEN Zionists and the 3rd Reich: Hitler collaborated with Zionists in CREATING isra'HELL because the Zionists wanted to move ALL jews there. Jews colluded with Hitler #auschwitz
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holoHOAX Remembrance

The TRUTH fears NO investigation. Auschwitz??? NOT one spec of jewish DNA was found in a grave there. SIX MILLION JEWS??? https://www.bitchute.com/video/FODa5j1i8jMc/ "Dr. Levin, in the course of his talk, expressed the opinion that six million Jews of Eastern Europe are...See more


The anti-Semites will become our friends

"The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies." - The Complete Diaries Of Theodor Herzl, page 84...See more


"Geheimreden 1933 bis 1945 und andere Ansprachen", 1974 "Secret speeches from 1933 to 1945 and other speeches", 1974 On German soil In autumn 1942, SS leader Heinrich Himmler demanded that concentration camps on German soil should become “FREE of Jews”. But in spring 1944,...See more


USSR documents show that there were NO Gas Chambers


BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "They are of their father the devil, and the desires of their father they want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does NOT stand in the truth, because there is NO truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a...See more


THE HOLOCAUST UNVEILED "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." ~ George Orwell https://www.bitchute.com/video/SsvUE9D0q93D/


There is NO and will NOT be an Open Debate on the Holocaust BECAUSE IT'S A BIG FAT LIE!!! OUR CHALLENGE to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum: "I have asked Dr. Paul Shapiro, the Director of the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies Holocaust Memorial Museum, TO PROVIDE us with...See more

AI caption: a poster with the words,'our challenge to the us holocaust museum', graphic

The two fake documents upon which the Auschwitz “death factory” hoax rests RECENTLY ‘FAKE NEWS’ HAS GOTTEN A LOT of attention, meaning news reports that are presented as well-intentioned and factual by the popular media but are not. The motherlode of all fake news was the...See more

AI caption: a train tracks leading to the auschwitz concentration camp, black and white

Contemporary jewish Record In 1943 The Zionist organization American Jewish Committee (AJC) claimed that the Nazis had initiated plans to kill 6,000,000 jews


The Jewish Holocaust Myth of 6 Million Victims (Finish) Don Heddesheimer's book The First Holocaust: Jewish Fundraising Campaigns With Holocaust Claims During and After World War One is a key piece of the revisionist puzzle. In his book, Heddesheimer convincingly documents...See more


Anne Frank's diary removed from website, that means she did NOT write 'diary'

TRUTH fears no investigation!!! "The ONLY Good is Knowledge; the ONLY evil is IGNORANCE!" ~ Socrates 'There is NOTHING that the International Jew fears so much as the TRUTH, or ANY HINT of the Truth about himself or his plans.' ~ Henry Ford The most outrageous 6,000,000 lie perpetrated on Humanity!!! Человечеству навязали самую вопьющую ложь о (((6,000,000)))!!! Auschwitz??? NOT one spec of jewish DNA was found in mass grave there. Освенцим??? В братской могиле не было найдено ни одного фрагмента еврейской ДНК. Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling… makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred. Auschwitz??? NOT one spec of jewish DNA was found in a grave there. The Haavara TRANSFER Agreement of 1933 BETWEEN Zionists and the 3rd Reich: Hitler collaborated with Zionists in CREATING isra'HELL because the Zionists wanted to move ALL jews there. Jews colluded with Hitler #auschwitz