
TRUTH fears no investigation!!! "The ONLY Good is Knowledge; the ONLY evil is IGNORANCE!" ~ Socrates 'There is NOTHING that the International Jew fears so much as the TRUTH, or ANY HINT of the Truth about himself or his plans.' ~ Henry Ford The most outrageous 6,000,000 lie perpetrated on Humanity!!! Человечеству навязали самую вопьющую ложь о (((6,000,000)))!!! Auschwitz??? NOT one spec of jewish DNA was found in mass grave there. Освенцим??? В братской могиле не было найдено ни одного фрагмента еврейской ДНК. Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling… makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred. Auschwitz??? NOT one spec of jewish DNA was found in a grave there. The Haavara TRANSFER Agreement of 1933 BETWEEN Zionists and the 3rd Reich: Hitler collaborated with Zionists in CREATING isra'HELL because the Zionists wanted to move ALL jews there. Jews colluded with Hitler #auschwitz
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