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All comers are welcome and very encouraged to examine all of the information at this site... download, copy and share anything you like. www.chuckmaultsby.com ...or... www.chuckmaultsby.net
Alternative information supporting the evolution of mind,body and spirit. Not claiming to hold the ultimate truth, but always promoting subjects which I think can lead to a more equitable and harmonious future for all of us. The topics I enjoy the most and the ones u will find on this channel are about #Nature , #Outdoors , #Health , #Science , #Astronomy , #Spirituality , #News , #Futurism and more. I am here on #Minds to grow and help others grow , I hope that`s why you are here also. -------------------------------------------------- Join my groups if you find the subjects interesting : Natural Cures . . .[Let`s discover and share miracle health secrets of natural cures and natural remedies the big pharmaceutical companies are trying to suppress.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/668113456678838292/activity Leaks & Whisleblowers . . .[To be a whistleblower takes bravery. If more people become aware of the truths shared by them , they may begin to wake up, so we can start changing things.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/665852101590523911/activity Astronomy/Cosmos . . .[Best place for astronomy/cosmology lovers to post any news and info about our lovely but scary universe.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/661243576511897613/activity The Venus Project . . .[The integration of science and technology into a plan for a new society based on human and environmental concern.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/611676950842322951/activity Spiritual Awakening . . . [A lot of people become more conscious and aware of issues and practices that have lasted for too long and that must change.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/611684291079843859/activity Positive News . . . [This is the place we can share any news generally regarded as positive.Any breakthrough regarding wellbeing of mankind,environment, animals is welcome.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/611695081275006994/activity A Post Capitalist / Corporatist / Consumerist Society . . . [Exposing the many negative effects that this form of capitalism we're experiencing has on life on Earth. Without understanding the difference between need and greed, we can lead ourselves to extinction.] Note : This is not a pro socialism / communism or any other 'ism' group. https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/694538930162245644/activity Artificial Intelligence (Pros & Cons) . . .[Anything about A.I.,especially discussing the opportunities but also possible threats that may arise with it.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/695062418061008907/activity Vegan & Vegetarian Magazine . . .[Many vegans and vegetarians choose this lifestyle to promote a more humane and caring world. They know they are not perfect, but believe they have a responsibility to try to do their best, while not being judgmental of others.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/700861643692711948/activity Climate Change Debate . . .[Whether you believe climate change is real or not, man made or just a natural cycle, let`s share info and evidence regarding this very sensitive subject which may affect all of us.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/701078631987814407/activity Marine Life & Oceanography . . .[ Any info and news about our seas and oceans,marine animals, and the physical and biological aspects of oceans : currents, waves, ecosystems etc] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/708494051116064782/activity
Detox Guides for Adults and Children http://smartly.link/fsthnow
Original Content Creator You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey whose boundaries are that of imagination. If you wrote a comment and I didn't reply, please tag me (again) @istruththelight and make sure you did not reply to your own comment. I will try to answer every comment and reply to it! But I might not do, if it is just a generic comment you leave on other posts too, or trolling ;) You can comment in every language, I will use a translator and reply in your language. Check out #myphoto : https://www.minds.com/istruththelight/images?layout=grid Watch my video content on Odyssee: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@exittoeden:7 Listen to my audio content on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/the-free-spirit Follow me on Hive : https://peakd.com/@exittoeden?ref=exittoeden #nogov #humansarefree
TruthHunter William Casey, 1981 CIA chief (to staff) We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the US public believes... is false EVERYTHING!
Dec 2019
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