
I'm the Madame that's a jack of ALL Trades in the Universe
Life is all about balloons and gum drop buttons
A Humble NeckRomancer.
Mycologist who specializes in psilocybin mushrooms while also actively practices cultivation of cannabis. provides interesting content, facts and topics around Cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms. memeoligist on the side! *** No items for sale here, just content*** ----- Follow me -----
Currently living in Ontario, Canada. My hobbies are crypto and video games. Proud believer that crypto is the future.
Humility describes for me the reaching of a will limit. When one's own will virtually dissolves in the desire to give everything of oneself to the dominant partner. To allow everything. To be everything the other wants and demands. To give oneself completely into the hands of the leader. A true SUB lives this submissiveness with all his heart and maximum commitment. ============================================== "Dominance is not bringing someone to their knees, it is awakening in someone the desire to be allowed to get on their knees! Dominance is never to cross a border, but to extend it constantly. Dominance has a noble character only when it is accompanied by humanity and a mature personality that radiates an inner peace. The craft of a mistress is not the imposition of dominance, but the winning of submission." ~ Ann Somerville ============================================== Translated with (free version)
"You say my manner of thinking cannot be approved. Do you suppose I care? A poor fool indeed is he who adopts a manner of thinking for others!" -The Marquis de Sade
Jul 2021
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