
NS MurdochMurdoch Fan I will sacrifice my life for the 14 words To eradicated (((them))) once and for all from this planet Earth. To leave in Peace, surrounded by my Race, who need for a vast majority to WAKE THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW!!! 88!
Love, Light & Fcuk The System Namaste )O(utlaw Peace & Love Tin Foil Hat wearing~Aspie Contributor (R)
Heil Blutsbrüder, Wir müssen weiter leben. Ich bedanke mich bei Arminius und ich halte meine Franziska fest. - Location: Hvidland - Weißland - Blanpaïs __________________________ Nuts and Morons are not allowed. __________________________ ))) Europe First Groyper ((( - Groyp 'Em By The Balls - I am a Proud White European and member of the Alba's Army _________________________ Vous avez le droit de garder le silence. Tout ce que vous direz pourra être retenu contre vous. Avez-vous quelquechose à déclarer? JE SUIS UN HOMME DE RACE BLANCHE et MON HONNEUR S'APPELLE FIDELITE ______________________________ What is my religion ? Do I need one ? I don't. I only follow my European Aryan Survival Instinct that's mean I follow the Natural Law. - What is Natural Law ? In the European world the Natural Law is received as a body of unwritten rules depending upon universal conscience and common sense, ascertainable by right reason. Observing Natural Law I practice The Supreme Religion. The Supreme Religion is following my European Aryan Survival Instinct according to the Natural Law. - What is the concept of Natural Law according to European Thinkers >>> - After 06:55 it's just some politically correct BS. ______________________________ PS: Ce qui compte ce sont les actes. Le reste n'est que du vent. Le monde virtuel n'est qu'une illusion. La vraie vie est là dehors et elle t'attend. ______________________________ [ MY ANALYTICS ]
Preserve Tradition Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid.
Kali Yuga Break on through to the other side. Son of Tennessee Living in North Carolina
Non, pas poireau. J'expliquerai
Mar 2020
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