
Gardener/grower. Volunteer librarian. Live in a converted church. All photos/videos posted taken by me (All Rights Reserved).
Visual Designer | Peace 🙏🏻
sociologist (PhD), observer of the surrounding beauty. Writing about art, books and places that impressed me.🎨📚🌏
Hello! I'm a PhD candidate in biomedical research. I study elements in the "dark genome" that have been long considered junk! Turns out, some of the junk is derived from ancient viruses, and their sequences can be fully functional! Come check out some cool research with me!
Homesteading is a collaboration with nature. It nurtures beauty, creativity, and self-empowerment. As artists, my husband and I were drawn to this lifestyle. Follow us on as we share the development of our food forest, our music, arts and crafts projects, and our journey towards self-sufficiency. Visit for our fermented foods and cigar box guitar blogs.
I’m a singer/songwriter producing my own music and am now immersing myself in the study of permaculture. My current passion is seeing and understanding the connectivity of all life, and especially the relationship between the health of our soils, our earth, our ecosystems, and our own spiritual, mental and physical health. I want to channel my own anger about the massive levels of greed and injustice we see around us, as well as the mass blind acceptance of the lies we are fed through our MSM, into creating and promoting beauty as well as standing up for the truth.
Small time grower. Mostly Peppers and Tomatoes. I sell seeds. Let’s all learn to be self sufficient
I’m a photographer based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I shoot travel and nature photos of Michigan and the Great Lakes. My style tends to lean toward bold colors and high contrast landscapes and macro shots. You can find me on to keep up-to-date with my latest work.
I had never put much thought into these things before because I honestly hate talking about myself. I always felt like I was just another insignificant speck of dust floating on the wind in the vast universe we call home. I know now that to myself I may be insignificant but to a handful of people I am a very important and significant person indeed. While our world is crumbling around us I strive to make this little piece of existence around me a better place for that handful of people that depend upon me. While I may not know what tomorrow will bring I will still try my best to make tomorrow a day worth looking forward to and not something to dread or be feared. For if we live in dread and fear of tomorrow then we have already lost. Hold on to hope and live today in such a way that tomorrow will bring joy to those of whom you are significant. Help them to see the silver lining in all those bad things that surround them and seek out the good that is being buried by all of the bad.
Amateur Photographer | Cat and Nature Enthusiast | Introverted & Slightly Creepy | Freelance Artist | Wife and Mother
Sep 2021
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