Henlo, frens.
Here you will find various blog articles about #tokens, #crypto, and #economics in general. Hopefully you will come away with a greater understanding of #minds tokens:
What are they,
How to earn them,
The economics behind them.
So learn, earn, and support our site along the way.
RIP to the original Freedom Gardening Group, may this new start bring just as many useful posts on self sufficiency, gardening tips, and lively discussions. All gardening, homesteading, foraging, and related self sufficient content is welcome (canning, soap making, herbalism, etc...)
I'm trying to promote selling things in here.
IF we can make a marketplace for MINDs, it will drive the value up. It's great using minds on the chain to make posts... but, that's a circular trash can. Let's start listing things in trade for tokens.
I'm already launching the idea. I'll lose money to promote this joint.
Change my mind