Bad mamma jamma. I blaze my own trail. I'm a four time national wrestling champion. I wasn't always that good, but with tons of hard work, many tears, and the fact that I never gave up, I'm still here kickin it and taking names. They call me The Truth because Just like George Washington. I don't lie. It's not worth it. Every time I tell you something, I don't have to remember what i told you because i tell you the real story. Just a yankee living in the South, not quite fitting in, but I like it better like that.
"i" It Only Takes "1"... Thought To Create An Idea, To Enlighten 1 Person, To Start A Movement, That Will Free Mankind! & It Only Takes One Free Gesture Of Kindness, To Free A Victim, That Gets Enlightened & Becomes A Victor For Victims!
Rapper from Vancouver BC, one half of the duo Bi-Polar Bandits, and solo artist, poet, painter, activist/hacktivist, Libertarian, ex-con turned Buddhist, trying to make a difference.
Tao Economics is about observing and respecting the natural cycles of the economy. While helping people with investing, economic survival, and to gain financial independence.
**PLEASE NOTE** I obtain content from public domain for this time line. It is not for profit or promotion, and any request for identification or removal will be honored.
I am what we are. When you succeed we all win, If I could help I win.I gain my strength one small heart felt moment of giving at a time, that in time you will want more for someone else as well. A stranger a victim or outcast, A some point most of us have been one of them.