
Existence? Energy? Motivating Life Force?
Constructor - Musician - Objectivist - and much more for you to find out!
Bad mamma jamma. I blaze my own trail. I'm a four time national wrestling champion. I wasn't always that good, but with tons of hard work, many tears, and the fact that I never gave up, I'm still here kickin it and taking names. They call me The Truth because Just like George Washington. I don't lie. It's not worth it. Every time I tell you something, I don't have to remember what i told you because i tell you the real story. Just a yankee living in the South, not quite fitting in, but I like it better like that.
"i" It Only Takes "1"... Thought To Create An Idea, To Enlighten 1 Person, To Start A Movement, That Will Free Mankind! & It Only Takes One Free Gesture Of Kindness, To Free A Victim, That Gets Enlightened & Becomes A Victor For Victims!
Rapper from Vancouver BC, one half of the duo Bi-Polar Bandits, and solo artist, poet, painter, activist/hacktivist, Libertarian, ex-con turned Buddhist, trying to make a difference.
“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.”
Tao Economics is about observing and respecting the natural cycles of the economy. While helping people with investing, economic survival, and to gain financial independence. http://taoeconomics.com
In the place where you stood, the air's filling in. I search for a world where nets catch the wind.. biting sarcasm
here to help the ascension process of earth.
**PLEASE NOTE** I obtain content from public domain for this time line. It is not for profit or promotion, and any request for identification or removal will be honored. I am what we are. When you succeed we all win, If I could help I win.I gain my strength one small heart felt moment of giving at a time, that in time you will want more for someone else as well. A stranger a victim or outcast, A refugee...at some point most of us have been one of them.
listening for the secret, searching for the sound
Open minded travel - fashion - food - nature enthusiast. Environmentalist and Therapist The very first blogger on Minds. #SeeWhereIgo Every day new travel inspiration All content is my original #OriginalContent My other channel: https://www.minds.com/WeGiveHealth My story: https://www.minds.com/WeGiveHealth/blog/elie-my-story-881837716105814016
Sep 2016
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