I hope you find my blogs helpful! See also the group I founded, "Reinventing Communism", at I: * love truth, justice, peace and freedom. * oppose war, terror and regime change. * reject the one-dimensional Left/Center/Right universe. * put humanity above ethnicity, openness above ideology, and people above profits. * value constructive dialogue and seek out common ground. I oppose the class-divided society that develops under capitalism -- where the decisions are made by the top 1% and the consequences borne by the bottom 99%. I believe in a class-free society where the rulers and the ruled are one and the same, a society where accountability exists, a society where no one group has a stranglehold on the means of production. In short, I believe in free-market communism and I want Americans to have an opportunity to see the truth about a part of the world we have been programmed to demonize.
Scouse poet extraordinaire
Chef , all time Baker.... Anything flour, fried or baked.... Crypto lover and a passionate person.. Don't forget to vote, remind and subscribe.. thanks for engaging ...
Today is the oppertunity to build the Tomorrow you want.
Neo-Aristocracy is a co-op of traditionalist free thinking families from 13 different countries. Our focus is the aristocratic family model and how to hybridize it as we encourage as many traditionally minded people as possible to start businesses and raise large families while turning each of those families into hereditary dynasties regardless of individual wealth and resources.
Apr 2019
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