I hope you find my blogs helpful! See also the group I founded, "Reinventing Communism", at I: * love truth, justice, peace and freedom. * oppose war, terror and regime change. * reject the one-dimensional Left/Center/Right universe. * put humanity above ethnicity, openness above ideology, and people above profits. * value constructive dialogue and seek out common ground. I oppose the class-divided society that develops under capitalism -- where the decisions are made by the top 1% and the consequences borne by the bottom 99%. I believe in a class-free society where the rulers and the ruled are one and the same, a society where accountability exists, a society where no one group has a stranglehold on the means of production. In short, I believe in free-market communism and I want Americans to have an opportunity to see the truth about a part of the world we have been programmed to demonize.
Join me as I travel the USA in search of Solutions. I'm the co founder of a little startup with a huge mission - Update: October 2019: Hey folks! Thanks for checking out my channel and for all your support! - I'm the co-founder of NatureHub app ( a platform I've invested the past 4 years into bringing to life. It's a community to connect conscious people and businesses to make the world a better place. I hope you will join us there! - This is my backup channel for my twitter acct. So in case twitter censors or bans me -this channel will become my main channel. - If you need to reach me, feel free to get in touch through any of my main active social media accounts below: tw: @jharveylewis fb: jharveylew email: [email protected] - I've been traveling for the past 4 months and inactive here due to the constraints of living on the road- uploading to lots platforms requires good connection and lots of time which I often don't have. I very much believe in alternative platforms like and want to see them grow, but sadly my mainstream channels (fb/tw/lkdn) have gained more traction, and so with limited time and resources for me to get my upstart NatureHub going and needing to avoid social media / computer burnout I have to put this acct on the back burner temporarily.
Articles questioning state, corporate and cultural marxist propaganda #freespeech
Independent Journalist The Truth as it Changes
The world we want is ours to make. We are at a juncture in our history of profound significance. This era, of rapid technological advancement, has already outpaced the ability of our collective cultures to adapt. And yet, we must. We must choose our world carefully, now. Our choices are made urgent by the unsettling, yet unavoidable, truth that through this technology is wielded a power that could either free us forever, or exact the opposite. The good news is, all we have to do is choose our world carefully. Choose decentralized systems, on permission-less blockchains, made only from free, open source, software and technology. Choose ideas that expand our ability to communicate effectively, to our families, to our communities, and to the wider world. In our communications we must always be ready to admit when we are wrong. If not, we are not truly learning.Without learning, we are not growing. Without growing we are not living freely. Choose that which makes you free. Focus on: Ideas, Solutions, Opportunities, Creativity, Love, Kindness, Wisdom, Peace. Be Discerning. Its a new open era. Make it your own. Remember Remember Open Source Community Decentralized Society Human Freedom Vigilance Fun V
explorer, iconoclast
Apr 2019
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