This Guy

Museum curated by lone survivor of millennial synch culture.
Writer, musician, record producer, world traveler. My debut novel Shadows in the Glass should be coming out in 2022. Read it on MINDS. It is also posted here:
Open Thoughts, Electrical Engineering, Computer Programming, Music & Oldskool Technology. I design audio gear, compose music and build experimental musical instruments. Software Engineer by day, Electrical Engineer by night, Musician on weekends. Everything I post is original content unless otherwise noted. +++
#Aristotle against #Plato is the Super Bowl of Western Civilisation! Hungry Jack! Otto is a Navakavada Buddhist: Navakavada Buddhism videos!!! Help @Pannobhasa_Bhikkhu in his sojourn East of Burma as he Makes Buddhism Great Again: He is a Howitzer of the Dhamma! —————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Frens, any financial help you can spare in these parlous times is greatly appreciated! LINK: 0x51947979a06Ae270f534C686Da19a5fd0230B021 BTC: 34rXWTa3NAdhXTJvAecUUTqFXc87acejKk ETH: 0x8A2F9b5b190c859aC694A63Ce4Bd99366e3DC9Cb BAT: 0x90D03DaAee04E27a31a0CD05D0F73d23BFA62878 オレは番号じゃない!オレは自由な男だ!
Welcome One and All...You've just entered the Yotivation Nation...I am your Host "Yo". I'm so excited to find a place where we can find the Truth without being censored...We will explore many varied topics but I am pretty hung up on Politics in the moment. With Mainstream Media NOT doing their Job and Pushing a Globalist Agenda instead...I am forced to do my own research so I can Know for myself...and I love to share what I learn with others... So bring your Free Thinking Mind back here often... Remember to Smack the Subscribe Button and Let's Kick some Globalist Butt together my friends! We The People have the Power...We are the Boss...We Sign Their Paychecks... We are about to Make History by defeating the Globalists Powers...which has Never been so close to Failing ever before... All it takes is for you to become Aware of it. ~Yo~ Go on now...Smash the Subscribe Button...I'm just starting here...I swear I'm a nice person...I just Speak Out to Protect our Rights and our Freedoms because if I don't who else will...This is the Fight of our Lives Baybee and I'm gonna be on the Front Lines the Whole Time..I've got my Armour on...I'm Ready...Let's Go!
Ani! Meesa make unlimited Star Wars synchros Ani! and im have all the things! so many! Jedi synchros and...encounter at farpoint...Ani! everyone will know what you did Ani! Yaay!
With all the memes, broken feeds And lost dreams, was wondering If we can live inside your head rent free?
I AM whatever I choose to be when I choose to be. Walking Contradiction. So… there’s that.. My soul is good. Don’t need a sermon. Please and thank you. I steal most of the memes I post. I have a dark sense of humor. This page is not for anyone under the age of 21. I’m not responsible for your kids on here. I AM Sovereign. I still have independent thought. I’m not a paid influencer or shill. I question everything.. as you should. I am what I am. 🦋✌🏻✨🌻🧁
glitch artist グリッチアーティスト Its best you stay away, as I fall into the abyss. I will only drag you with me. I will glitch your things for crypto. BTC - 38SCC2RP7W1aaaBH2S7mXcmkYPg7fRTQNK ETH - 0xE66042e17A6D55576BDf32c2E3E0cc815942919e -------------------------------------Any donations truly appreciated. Ill get a wallet for whatever coin you use.
Sep 2022
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