Chairman Mao-Mao

Breathe Light !nto Our Age. Co-Create Away~ Enjoice! The Good FreeX Fun Loving ~Dance~able~ Philosophical Advertising Campaign for Advancing & Enhancing Human Consciousness:—> ~MMM~ aka Rupert Stang, is co-author (with Sera Waters) of... THE M!ND OF THE SPECIES: A Scandalous Collection of Trance-Inducing Formulas for Accessing Higher Intelligence (Co-Creator Edition) ~Mental Flesh Surfbooks~ Got M!ND? Get MIND! Gift M!ND~ Please join us for this world-wide experiment in Cooperative Mind Control/Liberation....... ~Activate The Mind of The Species wRite Now Experience Unprecedented Big Fun...ding!~ Rupert Stang (aka Chairman Mao-Mao) is a naming expert, verbal designer, media researcher, corporate identity consultant, and brand narrative writer. His extensive formal training in advertising, screenwriting, and other technologies of persuasion has led to working with Fortune 500 giants, innovative start-ups, and underground cultural creatives alike. Rupert’s passionate callings include: being a father, deep abdominal breathing, trance~coding, Concept Integration Acceleration, and Systematized !ntersensory Processing (~S!P~) He’s been deeply involved in M!ND development since at least The Raving 90s. So*cia*l Me*dia Ex*spiri*ments:--> Trance Code Du Jour TCDJ + Tik Tok (March thru July 2020) Trance Code Du Jour S!P Hit Playlist (March-May 2020) Stay tuned for TCDJ resumed, intent*fully re-focused upon alternative media platforms....... (pHeal greatly assured that non-Amazon ebook, paperback, and audio options are on the way -- as well as the proper launch of COMING SOON Stay tuned for more Mental Flesh Surfbooks in the works: THE M!ND OF THE SPECIES: Fractal Enhanced Edition THE M!ND OF THE SPECIES: Ground Zero Edition (with essays) Mind Money Manifesto Cosmic Vagina Healing pHealings Sound~!mage~Pulse Surfbook Affirmissions The Illustrated M!ND Transfinitude Vectoriality Groove Ranch Nation Shymnal The Seven Presences Quotations from the Works of Chairman Mao-Mao BIBLIORAVER: The Frogman Lagoon of Transfinitude
Indipendant Truth seaker and journalist. I am a conscious, incarnate aspect of the creator of all existence, born into this duality of love and fear! and I recognize you as the same! I choose love and forgiveness OVER fear and hate ! If we each plant a seed the garden will grow again ! love and light !
Greetings, beloved Earthlings, Lightworkers, We are the Ascended Bastards, spiritually superior in every way. We are working hard at this time to subtly influence your minds and seduce you all into the Luciferian New Age of Aquarius with the promise of love and false light, debt forgiveness, the end of the cabal, 5D Ascension, and a golden era of peace - at a price, of course. Namaste. "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." "There will come a day, when all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will again triumph." ~ Joseph Goebbels “That which is ready to fall, shall ye also push!?” - Nietzsche
News and memes to fight the Technocratic Satanic state Faith - Culture - Freedom
Breathe Light !nto Our Age. Co-Create Away~ Enjoice! The Good FreeX Fun Loving ~Dance~able~ Philosophical Advertising Campaign for Advancing & Enhancing Human Consciousness:—> ~MMM~ aka Rupert Stang, is co-author (with Sera Waters) of... THE M!ND OF THE SPECIES: A Scandalous Collection of Trance-Inducing Formulas for Accessing Higher Intelligence (Co-Creator Edition) ~Mental Flesh Surfbooks~ Got M!ND? Get MIND! Gift M!ND~ Please join us for this world-wide experiment in Cooperative Mind Control/Liberation....... ~Activate The Mind of The Species wRite Now Experience Unprecedented Big Fun...ding!~ Rupert Stang (aka Chairman Mao-Mao) is a naming expert, verbal designer, media researcher, corporate identity consultant, and brand narrative writer. His extensive formal training in advertising, screenwriting, and other technologies of persuasion has led to working with Fortune 500 giants, innovative start-ups, and underground cultural creatives alike. Rupert’s passionate callings include: being a father, deep abdominal breathing, trance~coding, Concept Integration Acceleration, and Systematized !ntersensory Processing (~S!P~) He’s been deeply involved in M!ND development since at least The Raving 90s. So*cia*l Me*dia Ex*spiri*ments:--> Trance Code Du Jour TCDJ + Tik Tok (March thru July 2020) Trance Code Du Jour S!P Hit Playlist (March-May 2020) Stay tuned for TCDJ resumed, intent*fully re-focused upon alternative media platforms....... (pHeal greatly assured that non-Amazon ebook, paperback, and audio options are on the way -- as well as the proper launch of COMING SOON Stay tuned for more Mental Flesh Surfbooks in the works: THE M!ND OF THE SPECIES: Fractal Enhanced Edition THE M!ND OF THE SPECIES: Ground Zero Edition (with essays) Mind Money Manifesto Cosmic Vagina Healing pHealings Sound~!mage~Pulse Surfbook Affirmissions The Illustrated M!ND Transfinitude Vectoriality Groove Ranch Nation Shymnal The Seven Presences Quotations from the Works of Chairman Mao-Mao BIBLIORAVER: The Frogman Lagoon of Transfinitude is a website dedicated to archiving the Constitutional Sanctuary movement spreading across our country.
I love my parents and siblings 💖💖💖
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Jan 2021
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