Chairman Mao-Mao

Breathe Light !nto Our Age. Co-Create Away~ Enjoice! The Good FreeX Fun Loving ~Dance~able~ Philosophical Advertising Campaign for Advancing & Enhancing Human Consciousness:—> ~MMM~ aka Rupert Stang, is co-author (with Sera Waters) of... THE M!ND OF THE SPECIES: A Scandalous Collection of Trance-Inducing Formulas for Accessing Higher Intelligence (Co-Creator Edition) ~Mental Flesh Surfbooks~ Got M!ND? Get MIND! Gift M!ND~ Please join us for this world-wide experiment in Cooperative Mind Control/Liberation....... ~Activate The Mind of The Species wRite Now Experience Unprecedented Big Fun...ding!~ Rupert Stang (aka Chairman Mao-Mao) is a naming expert, verbal designer, media researcher, corporate identity consultant, and brand narrative writer. His extensive formal training in advertising, screenwriting, and other technologies of persuasion has led to working with Fortune 500 giants, innovative start-ups, and underground cultural creatives alike. Rupert’s passionate callings include: being a father, deep abdominal breathing, trance~coding, Concept Integration Acceleration, and Systematized !ntersensory Processing (~S!P~) He’s been deeply involved in M!ND development since at least The Raving 90s. So*cia*l Me*dia Ex*spiri*ments:--> Trance Code Du Jour TCDJ + Tik Tok (March thru July 2020) Trance Code Du Jour S!P Hit Playlist (March-May 2020) Stay tuned for TCDJ resumed, intent*fully re-focused upon alternative media platforms....... (pHeal greatly assured that non-Amazon ebook, paperback, and audio options are on the way -- as well as the proper launch of COMING SOON Stay tuned for more Mental Flesh Surfbooks in the works: THE M!ND OF THE SPECIES: Fractal Enhanced Edition THE M!ND OF THE SPECIES: Ground Zero Edition (with essays) Mind Money Manifesto Cosmic Vagina Healing pHealings Sound~!mage~Pulse Surfbook Affirmissions The Illustrated M!ND Transfinitude Vectoriality Groove Ranch Nation Shymnal The Seven Presences Quotations from the Works of Chairman Mao-Mao BIBLIORAVER: The Frogman Lagoon of Transfinitude
Liberty, History, Covid's a hoax & 9/11's a lie, good music, and much more. I am an agorist. I do not fall for the left-right paradigm. The only thing that matters is up and down: Down to the abyss of complete government control, or up to the pinnacle of complete individual liberty. I am a proud Minds Minus ㊀ user so all my content is open for everyone to view. If you cover some of your posts I will not subscribe to you. I do not have the time or patience to have things I can not see on my newsfeed. An alternative way to go to your groups: If that doesn't work, try this: Step 1) Click this Step 2) There will be a box that says "personalize your feed." Click the "X" to remove it. 3) On the top left, you will see "My Groups", click it and you are there.
Just a grumpy old man.
Truth does not waver ever, only our perception does. And it is our moral obligation to align our perceptions with truth so that our gained wisdom can manifest itself as moral right action. 👉 #Truth #NaturalLaw #Knowledge #Morality #Wisdom #Right #Principles #SelfWork #SelfGovernance #Autonomy #Consciousness #Anarchy #Sovereignty #Freedom #Government #Slavery #Enslavement #Manipulation #Deception #Control #Occult #CosmicLaw #CosmicLaw #SelfDevelopment #Alchemy #Reality
Stewardess of rEvolution Empowering others to transform deep pain, release old stories, and embody their soul. Book a session on my website below.
NDE-Rasta-Christian. Bringing the good news of how we all can live together in freedom, peace, and abundance. Thank you Yeshua!
I love nature, music, food, travel and family Ich liebe Natur, Musik, Essen, Reisen und Familie Volim prirodu, muziku, jela, putovanja i familiju Ador natura, muzica, mâncarea, călătoriile și familia
arrr! all posts are satire and/or for entertainment / educational purposes. what you think or how you feel about anything you have read is your responsibility. thank you for visiting and supporting the first amendment. have a wonderful day! Gab: Twitter: (suspended) X:
Web designer & Database Developer, geek and big fan of FREEDOM
I've recently been given a small window to pursue more creative venues. I'm going to push hard to write a book, relearn some songs on some instruments and return to making wood burnt art. If I can manage to get some passive income from my endeavors I can pursue the more fulfilling aspects of life (I will still be chopping wood and exercising outside but maybe more for personal land development and less to make money)
Jan 2021
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