
When you're anonymous, what you say isn't about your reputation. It's about you. I make long comments for no reason. I don't sub4sub.
hey, i'm just your everyday Israeli feel free to talk to me and I will reply to you all respectfully :) take care guys.
Just because I argue vehemently, doesn't mean I lack self doubt. My ideal of being open minded doesn't include being easily persuaded, just willing to listen and appraise ideas on their merit.
emoji badges: 🇺🇸 😼🔞🆒🍻🍕 what I'm about: blogs/drugs/TV/vidya/hentai/fun hot takes: https://edgetopia.substack.com
Makes games, spreads art n' memes, builds robits, likes pokemon and medabots. Totally not planning world domination, that's just silly.
I do the thang, and I do it well. ____________________ "We must first learn to change ourselves, THEN we can begin to change the world." "Genuine truths cannot exist in a world where opinions are treated as fact." "When we deem words more influential than actions, we are truly lost." "Power is control over others, while strength is control over yourself." "Stoic professionalism will be a slow death for the heart of humanity." "No one wants to rock the boat, lest the fear of falling out. I say: learn to swim!" "They don't want to save us from ourselves; they want to save themselves from us!" "Excess generalizations will be the death of critical thought." "The truth hurts, but only if you choose to believe in lies." "Living is the revolutionary act of delaying death." "Sacrifice is Salvation." "The most evil of men tend to hide their misdeeds through public acts of benevolence." "The only thing that will satiate my hungering sorrow is to finally make things right." "What if our founding fathers bitched and complained as much as we do?" ____________________ A big THANK YOU to those who has generously wired me some crypto-bucks: $ @aeowen - 6 / (20) Tokens $ @delastman - 12 Tokens $ @mindslady777 - 10 Tokens $ @imawesome1260 - 10 Tokens $ @RedDragonLS - 5.67 Tokens $ @lilycreek - 5.22 Tokens $ @r3k4b - 5 Tokens $ @luculent - 4 Tokens $ @promisetrinh - 2 Tokens $ @mindsplus - 2 Tokens $ @thelamb - 2 Tokens $ @KyleSislerJATWC - 1.337 Tokens $ @zedheds - 1 Token $ @ChachiArcola - 1 Token ____________________ If you are into #gaming in the slightest, check out a new Minds group I created, "The Gaming Dojo": https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/988956712162783232/feed
A ditsy carbon based lifeform with a propensity for hardcore extreme procrastination and with the ability to drink my own body weight in cups of tea each day. My interests are interesting things, semi interesting things, slightly interesting things and silly cat videos. I was born at an early age and being male didnt quite master the art of growing up. I have a genetic mental deficiency, but as I got older my hair became less blond and more scarce so it doesnt seem so noticeable now :)
Strictly NSFW account. I periodically post art and poetry only meant for adults. If you don't want to see lewd shenanigans "At work" in fear it will compromise your employment, feel free to de-list me or block me from your feed at your own discretion. Thanks.
Libertarian activist since the late 1980s. Very frustrated about how the world is turning into a fascist nightmare...
Let me share some of my insights as a Daughter Sister Wife Mother Friend Mentor Educator Gardener Writer Cook Seamstress Designer A lifetime of roles and experiences. I'm so glad I have the wisdom of scripture, loving family, caring friends, supportive colleagues to walk with me on this amazing journey. My hope is to encourage those who read my posts to put God's word into action with discernment and wisdom.
Feb 2021
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