Whistlin' Britches ㊀

Liberty, History, Covid's a hoax & 9/11's a lie, good music, and much more. I am an agorist. I do not fall for the left-right paradigm. The only thing that matters is up and down: Down to the abyss of complete government control, or up to the pinnacle of complete individual liberty. I am a proud Minds Minus ㊀ user so all my content is open for everyone to view. If you cover some of your posts I will not subscribe to you. I do not have the time or patience to have things I can not see on my newsfeed. An alternative way to go to your groups: https://www.minds.com/groups/member If that doesn't work, try this: Step 1) Click this https://www.minds.com/groups/top Step 2) There will be a box that says "personalize your feed." Click the "X" to remove it. 3) On the top left, you will see "My Groups", click it and you are there.
Interested in everything! Freedom for all!!!
I'm consciousness temporally having human experience. Passionate about everything that will set us free...
Welcome All We are here to share, enlighten, awaken and inform. We are truth seekers and love our nation, it's people & it's goodness. Join us on our journey and path of discovery. We believe in & support the non aggression principle. #Unalienable #1A #2A #BillofRights #Knowledge #Power #Nocontract #Noconsent #Freedom #Truth #Equal #UnitedStatesofAmerica #America #Exposingfraud #Decency #Sharing #NAP #Belonging #NoSlaves #FreeBeings #Liveandletlive #RealMoney #NaturalRights #NoMiddleMantoOurFreedomRequired #NoUN #NoNWO #NoDeepState #NoRevenueCollectors #NoOrderFollowers #NoLies #NoDeception #RuralServiceDistrict #NoZIPcoderequired #StateCitizens #NoRulers #NoMasters We adamantly oppose the globalization effort / scheme, the deep state, the pedo agenda, thuggery, theft, deception, governmental deception and abuse, enslavement, corruption, oppression, the campaign to turn people against one another, labels, banking cartels, the UN one world agenda, and any and all schemes to profit off of the people by proxy, war, deceit or otherwise. All information we provide is for educational, information and entertainment purposes. The following information shared and provided and accuracy is dependent on the creators of such information. Please ensure you do your own due diligence and learn for yourself the truths. Please share any and all information with us on any of the areas we are interested in.
Explorer of truth
Is it voluntary? If not—why not? Shouldn't it be?
Jul 2018
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