Introduction Disclaimer
All the posts you are about to see are made from my research. I make no guarantee of the accuracy any more than any other who reads a lot and does their best to sort out the information. Never take anyone's word over your own research even mine.
I presented this information as graphics when possible in hopes that more people, then otherwise would, will read it. I believe we are in serious danger. America is the last bastion of freedom; If we do not stand against the leftist globalists, we are going to find ourselves in a world none will like. Socialism always fails, when they run out of other people's money to steal, and they always do. It is the historical way of socialism. When it fails it rains chaos, starvation, violence, and death.
Leaders espousing Marxists beliefs are responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people in the last century — Far more than Nazi Germany or any other 20th century authoritarian regime.
As Americans it is our job to stop them, as it has been throughout history.
Independent Journalist
“An unbelieved truth can hurt a man much more than a lie. It takes great courage to back truth unacceptable to our times. There's a punishment for it, and it's usually crucifixion.”
― John Steinbeck, East of Eden
Free Minds. Free People.
Welcome to the Free Thought Project — a hub for Free Thinking conversations about the promotion of liberty and the daunting task of government accountability.
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I'm an independent that searches for reliable & relevant video's that address the current political event's, of any given day!
Occasionally, I do express my Pro Constitutional Opinion or view related to what's contained in a video!
I relie on my personal life experience's & Jesus Christ to help guide me, in all aspects of my life to help keep myself in track!
There's over 300 channel's or content I draw from, in my daily reposting of some really interesting topics!
I hope it help others to see through the illusions, that the Mockingbird Media dishes out continually!
I'm all the facts of whatever subject is current!
It's become second nature to me, over the last 30 year's!
I hope you find something true, that you can take away & use to help other's, see the light!
The Conscious Resistance Network is an independent media organization focused on empowering individuals through education, philosophy, health, and community organizing. We work to create a world where corporate and state power does not rule over the lives of free human beings. Our website and channel covers a wide range of topics from politics, activism, spirituality, gardening, music, solutions, and more.
We are always looking for new contributors. As of January 2019 our current contributors (to the site and channel) are:
Derrick Broze - weekly podcast, interviews, and vlogs that cover the most important news you won't hear from the corporate media, as well as explorations of philosophy, spirituality, and solutions.
News, analysis and opinions from the perspective of Classical Liberals, Libertarians, small c Conservatives and big C Conservatives.
Conservative is the new punk. Welcome to the counterculture.
Online from 5:30 AM to 4:30 PM (PST) Monday to Friday
I post satire between 4:00 PM and 4:30 PM (PST)
The opinions expressed in the videos, news articles and commentary do not necessarily reflect those of K23 NEWS[email protected]